100G Long Haul Muxponder Transponder
Flexible Design
The PL-1000GT is designed for transporting a mix of 10G/40G/100G over long haul networks on a single 100G wavelength, reducing the overall solution CAPEX and OPEX and increasing the capacity of the optical transport solution by a factor of 10.
Powerful Feature Set
The PL-1000GT 1U device can operate in both transponder and muxponder modes and supports multi services such as 10G/40G/100G LAN, STM-64/OC-192 SDH/SONET, 8G Fibre Channel and OTU2/2e/OTU4 OTN.
The device supports performance monitoring on both client and OTN lines. It can compensate for chromatic dispersion of 40,000 ps/nm and, with an integrated optical amplifier, it can cover 45dB without intermediate sites.
- 100G coherent muxponder and transponder in one box
- User-configurable muxponder options:
- 10 x 10G client services into 100G DWDM uplink
- 2 x 40G LAN + 2 x 8/10G client services into 100G DWDM uplink
- 1 x 40G LAN + 6 x 8/10G client services into 100G DWDM uplink
- Supported clients: 10G/40G/100G LAN, 8G Fibre Channel, STM64/OC192, OTU2/OTU2e/OTU4
- PacketLight’s highly integrated 1U architecture
- Coherent OIF standard-based tunable uplink covering over 2,500 km
- Standard MSA pluggable optics for 100G-LR4/ER4/SR10 client interface
- Performance monitoring on all interfaces
- Out-of-band OSC or GCC in-band remote management
-Dual DC power feeding and pluggable fan unit
- Building efficient DWDM long haul networks with up to 2,500 km spans
- Increasing the capacity and spectral efficiency of existing 10G/40G long haul networks
- Alien wavelength over existing third party WDM infrastructure
- Carriers and ISPs which require high capacity long haul backbone
- Backbone for utility, oil, gas and mining industries
- Backup links for an existing 10G/40G/100G network
- Long haul connectivity for data center, cloud computing and video application
- Easy and flexible transmission of mix of services over a single wavelength in long haul applications
- Ability to transport 10G/40G and 100G services in one box
- High spectral efficiency for long haul solutions
- Tunable DWDM 100G uplink which can be used as an alien wavelength over any existing DWDM network
- 1U with integrated EDFA for high attenuation links
1.6T DCI Optical Transport Platform
1.6T high capacity platform in 1U, for data center interconnect, cloud and colocation providers, and high capacity applications
800G Optical Transport Platform
Highly integrated 1U solution with four 200G pluggable optical modules, delivering up to 800G
200G ADM for Long Haul
1U platform with low power consumption and high 200G density feature set. Ideal for metro and long haul applications. Supports encryption per service or per uplink
200G ADM for Short Haul
1U platform with low power consumption and the highest 200G density feature set in the market. Ideal for short haul and encryption applications.
200G Single Wavelength Muxponder
An advanced 200G single wavelength 1U platform for next generation data center interconnect and metro applications. The product supports encryption per service or per uplink
100G for Metro and DCI
100G multi-protocol multi-rate muxponder/transponder for high capacity optical transport solution for metro networks
100G Transponder for Metro Networks
100G transponder in 1U platform with low power consumption, ideal for customer premises equipment (CPE) and data center environment, for long haul and metro networks